Music, Movement, and Magnificence: Mamma Mia!
From March 22st to 25th, students, parents, and faculty made their way to Woodruff Auditorium to see this year’s spring musical, Mamma Mia! The musical promised an unforgettable performance with singing, dancing, and theatrical excitement.
Cast members, tech crew, and directors worked for months to put on this production. When the time to perform finally arrived, the theater was packed. Directors Sharon Coheley and Eric McNaughton specifically chose Mamma Mia! because students would gain valuable experience while having a blast.
Elena Ricardo, an alum who performed in the Broadway performance of Mama Mia!, visited the cast during rehearsal. She brought great advice and some valuable stage tips. Coheley said of Ricardo, “She got the show preparation period off to an exciting start.”
A typical rehearsal involved a variety of different talents. According to Adriana Acavedo, most rehearsals began with “vocal work in the chorus room as an ensemble with the super talented Mrs. Coheley.” Then the cast would move on to choreography or blocking different scenes.
But every great musical requires work behind the scenes as well. Of the tech crew who supported the show, Piper Bjerke said, “The crew was hands on deck, taking notes in the audience and watching diligently to see what they needed to do to bring the show to life.”
The finished production of Mamma Mia! was a stunning success. For the several days during the performances, it was all our school could talk about. Audience member Allie Donkar said, “I loved the show. It was a super fun environment and looked super professional.”
Walking into the theater, the first thing one saw was the amazing set. The Mamma Mia! hotel looked exactly like the one from the movie, with its blue windows and doors and beautiful flowers.
Adriana Acavedo and Piper Bjerke were absolutely fantastic. Acavedo was the perfect Sophie, and her voice amazed everyone in the theater. She truly became the character. Bjerke flawlessly executed the role of Donna, and her voice sounded immaculate from the seats.
The choreography of the ensemble was amazing. They were all completely synchronized as they danced across the stage. One of the more hilarious numbers was “Lay All Your Love on Me,” when all of the male cast members came out in flippers and bathing suits to do a dance number.
At the very end of the performance, the cast invited all of the audience members to sing and dance with them, which was the perfect ending. Overall, the performance was a huge success.

Cosette Lane joined the newspaper staff as a sophomore in 2022 because of her love for writing and researching. Cosette runs cross country and track at Marist and is an officer of Habitat for Humanity. Outside of school, Cosette loves reading, listening to music (especially Taylor Swift), spending time with friends, and babysitting. Her dream vacation is a relaxing and adventurous trip to Italy.