Top 3 Marist Clubs We Should Bring Back

By Grace Neil, Features Editor

      Throughout Marist’s history, there have been dozens of student clubs, some of which no longer exist because of scheduling complications or declining interest. But I believe that some of these clubs were ahead of their time. Here are the top three clubs that I think we should bring back! 

      The oldest of these is the Swagger Club, which functioned as a sort of fraternity for military cadets. It was founded in 1916 and ended in 1918. While there are no concrete reasons that I could find about why the club disbanded, I do have some theories. Becau

se of the First World War and Marist being a military school at that time, it’s possible the club did not have enough members to function. If we brought this club back today, we could create another branch for women to model a sorority or we could have it affiliated with the military or

ROTC to connect back to its roots.

      Have you ever wanted to own your very own hamster? How about a ferret? Do you think that dogs and cats are just too big for your liking? If so, then the 1960s Small Pets Club would be your jam! The group was created in order to 

try and raise awareness for smaller and rarer pets. This club also planned regular trips to animal shelters and veterinarians’ offices. They stopped holding meetings after most of its members had either graduated or simply lost interest. I believe this club would be successful at Marist now and could provide a space for students interested in becoming a veterinarian or those who just want to see some cute animals. 

     Maybe you like animals but aren’t the best at taking care of them. The Fossil Club, which was founded in 1971, could be right for you! The students involved studied fossils and went out on tiny digs all around

campus. This club might also have evolved into a class in the 80s called “Biblical Archeology” by a teacher named Dr. Hoff. Marist still has an archeology class, taught  that lives on this legacy that is taught by MCLD teacher Thomas Marier. I believe that if the club was brought back today, it would most likely be linked to the class or maybe have some intersections with biology classes.