How Songwriters Turned to Music during Quarantine

From Luke Combs to Ariana Grande, several musicians took advantage of quarantine to explore new music.

Gigi Glennon

More stories from Gigi Glennon


Just like for Marist students, quarantine was hard on professional musicians. Cancelled tours, closed studios, and isolation took its toll. It’s not surprising that some songwriters turned to music during this time, where they wrote and produced songs about quarantine and not being able to see the ones they love from home. 

From not seeing loved ones to teaching us to be grateful for what we do have, these songs provided a message that we are all going through a hard time, but we will get through it together. Luke Combs, One Republic, Alec Benjamin, Justin Bieber, and Ariana Grande all released songs about quarantine.

Luke Combs’s “Six Feet Apart” has been one of the most popular songs this past spring and summer. His lyrics speak about missing his family, band, and fans. One of his lyrics says, “And there will be a light after dark, someday when we aren’t six feet apart.” The song reminds us that we will see the light at the end of the tunnel, and that we will be together once again. 

One Republic’s “Better Days” also has the theme of hope and encourages fans to wait for better days to come. Luke Combs and OneRepublic use their voices as artists to inspire communities to have hope. Their music helps those who are not with family or loved ones to continue to have faith. 

Alec Benjamin’s song “Six Feet Apart” jumps into the sad and poetic life of being away from a loved one. His lyrics “too far away to hold but close enough to break my heart” resonate with the struggle of having to quarantine apart from friends even though they might live close or go to the same school. His song is a good example of using music as a coping method during this time. Sometimes, we need to just let it out and feel bad. His song reminds us to rest and heal during quarantine.

Some artists, however, took a happier approach in their music about quarantine. Spending time with our usually busy families or loved ones reminded us what was important. Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande wrote “Stuck with You,” a song about living with your partner during quarantine. In their music video, they featured partners dancing together in honor of the students who could not attend prom. Their optimistic approach to quarantine showed us to be grateful for what we do have: our friends and family.

The artists in quarantine might not be able to write and produce their music as normal, but their job has become far more important. With their art, they tell people to not give up. They show fans that they still need to be grateful for what they have and adapt to their new circumstances. By pressing on when things get hard and encouraging others, they are an example to us all of what to do. They show us to be confident and strong when we feel weak. Their music comforts us when we are hurting. And most importantly, their music tells us to stand back up when we get knocked down. 

The musicians who released music accurately captured the emotions felt during this year. Through their storytelling we can see how far we have come, and how much farther we are going to go together.