At its core, Director Michel Gondry’s Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind explores the emotional complexities of relationships and the human desire to forget pain while holding on to the fleeting moments...
Recently, there has been a surge of new movies hitting the big screen, leaving many wondering which ones are truly worth the money.
Wicked is a new movie musical based on the popular book and Broadway...
In 1992, Radiohead released their debut single, "Creep, "off of their first album, Pablo Honey. The song and album were not popular upon release, but in 1993, "Creep" rose to number two on the U.S. rock...
Joker: Folie à Deux is Todd Philips's most recent installment in the Joker series. The latest film follows the chaos the Joker, played by Joaquin Phoenix, unleashed on New York City in the 2019 original.
The poetry and musical expertise of Dire Straits have proven to stand the test of time, and their hit 1985 album Brothers in Arms offers all the astounding guitar riffs and eloquent lines that defined...
Inside Out 2 recently released in theaters. The Disney-Pixar sequel follows Riley as she navigates the challenges of becoming a teen with a new set of emotions.
The movie explores how Riley's original...
If you’re interested in seeing a fast moving, energetic film, Ordinary People (1980) is not for you. No razzle dazzle. No action-packed scenes. No special effects. These absences contribute to the perfect...
With all of the media noise about the 2024 presidential election this fall, it is easy to fall into a state of despair about the current political landscape. As a young person, I want to get involved in...
As we grow up, the things around us grow with us. They help mold us into who we are today. No matter how negative or positive, each memory and experience plays an important role in forming who we are....
This story is reprinted courtesy of The Georgia Bulletin.
Marist School loves finding unique opportunities for its students to participate in for their benefit. One example of this is the Marist internship...
Over these past four years in The Blue and Gold, I have loved my experience of growing as a writer and learning more about different aspects of our campus. I focused on writing articles about athletic...
Denis Villeneuve’s Dune Two is the most recent installment in his Dune movie series, dramatically progressing the story of Paul Atreides as he seeks vengeance for the brutal murder of his father by the...