Corona and the Class of 2020
Photographer: Brian Collier
The Class of 2020 reciting their school-wide Honor Pledge on Schola Brevis in August 2019
Back in February, the coronavirus emerged in China and seemed worlds away for the United States. But we seniors embarked on our last high school spring break not realizing that when we left after term 2 exams, that would be the last time we ever saw Marist’s campus as students. While everyone worldwide is affected, the class of 2020 has been especially impacted and united in their loss. The seniors’ last memories have been ripped away, never to be experienced, or at the very least postponed.
The Marist administration is working tirelessly and to the best of their abilities to honor the seniors for all their hard work and time over these past years. Through Zoom calls and lovely signs in the front yards to honor the seniors, these are some of the touches Marist has personally brought to the class of 2020. Depending on the course of the virus, there is a possibility of a senior week in the summer to make up for the major senior events that were supposed to take place this spring, such as senior prom, senior Emmaus, senior beach, and the most important, graduation. According to Principal Kevin Mullally, Marist “will have a graduation, at the safest and best time as possible for all.” Currently, graduation is scheduled for July 12, the culmination to a weekend of senior activities, including senior beach, Prom, Baccalaureate, and more!
For such an unprecedented, sad, and scary time, the Marist administration has been a light at the end of a long, dark tunnel for the class of 2020, doing whatever they can to make the seniors feel honored for everything they have given throughout their time at Marist.

Grace Delmonte is a senior at Marist School and the Editor-in-Chief for the Blue & Gold. At Marist, Grace is also involved in Cross Country and Track, is the Vice President of the Mu Alpha Theta Honor Society, a French Honor Society Officer, a Peer Leader and Retreat Leader, Student Ambassador Leader, and a Eucharistic Minister Board Member! Her favorite thing about Marist is the unity among students to make the #MaristFam. She has written for the Blue&Gold for four years and enjoys working and leading on the paper to convey her ideas and writing styles to inform the Marist community. Grace thanks you for reading the work of her and her staff!!