On September 20, the 9th grade class, senior leaders, and homeroom teachers traveled to Sojourn Adventures for an annual day-long retreat called Camp 3790. Ninth graders spent the day bonding with their class and building a foundation for their high school years.
Students rotated through activities facilitated by Sojourn, including a rock wall, group games, and crafts. Students participated in “speed dating,” where they were randomly paired and asked ice breaker questions, allowing them to meet new people.
After lunch, students were given free time to play foursquare, soccer, card games, and more. These activities allowed students to expand outside of their immediate friends.
Although getting out of class for the day is an added bonus, the central mission of Camp 3790 is to strengthen the bonds of the class. When the students are seniors, they will look back on Camp 3790 as the start of their high school experience.
As part of our school’s emphasis on service, the class was invited to participate in a service project in the afternoon. Students made posters for veterans, wrote letters to assisted living facility residents, and prepared sandwiches for the hungry via The Sandwich Project.
Moderator Betsy Holcomb offered her take on the camp. “The day launches the advisory program, building a safe home on campus. It allows 9th graders to forge connections among each other and to Marist.”