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The Blue & Gold

Reporting the news since 1914

The Blue & Gold

Reporting the news since 1914

The Blue & Gold

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Active Minds Hosts Fundraiser 5K

Third annual Spark the Conversation 5K to take place this weekend

It’s a chilly Saturday morning. A hundred and six people line up on the front soccer field, all dressed in fleece-lined jackets and warm leggings. A few even wear mittens or headbands to cover their ears.

Kids under 12 to adults over 65 years-of-age all breathe in, synchronized. The whistle blows, and runners move. Not only students but also moms with strollers. Walkers too. Groups of friends jogging and chatting.

A low-pressure environment to work out, get a good start to your day, and enjoy some time outsideā€”sounds pretty good to me. And the best part? You’re supporting an incredible cause: Spark the Conversation.

Spark the Conversation is an initiative supported by many mental health organizations that strive to erase the taboos around talking openly about mental health. In the Marist community, the Active Minds Club seeks to support Spark the Conversation by hosting outside organizations at our school.

Participants in the 2022 Spark the Conversation 5K demonstrate their advocacy for mental health.

Three years ago, our school hosted the first Spark the Conversation 5K in conjunction with the Heads Up for Harry Foundation.

Heads Up for Harry, commonly referred to as HU4H, is an Atlanta-based nonprofit dedicated to helping young adults and their families find resources and support for a variety of mental illnesses, including depression and anxiety. HU4H specializes in youth education.

HU4H representatives visit many schools in the Atlanta area, but their strongest ties are with Marist. Every term, our school hostsĀ  professionals in tenth grade health classes to foster conversations about mental illnesses and resources.

HU4H representatives were present last year when Ross Szabo visited campus. Marist’s ties to Heads Up for Harry are so strong because we truly care about their initiatives, and we endorse Spark the Conversation as much as possible.

The 5K provides our community with an opportunity to support Spark the Conversation, not only with our participation int he road race but also with donations.

The Spark the Conversation 5K is will take place this Saturday, Sept, 23 at Marist. Start time is 8:30 a.m. The entry fee is $20 for students and $45 for all other participants.

All money will be channeled directly to Heads Up for Harry, providing the nonprofit with essential funding for their operations.

Everyone interested in spending a beautiful fall morning exercising for a great cause should REGISTER TODAY at

About the Contributor
Sophie D'Annunzio
Sophie D'Annunzio, Staff Writer
Sophie will never be seen without pink on. She loves all things girly, and can be commonly seen speeding down Ashford Dunwoody in her well-aged BMW with her little sister Cecilia in tow. Sophie cheers under the Friday Night Lights, loves to help out with Spanish Club and, of course, The Blue & Gold.