Behind the Pages of Marist’s Guidon
How is the Guidon yearbook made every year?

Photographer: Emma Schwind
Yearbook staff members and moderator Christine Bhasin working together on pages for Guidon.
Feb 27, 2021
At the end of every school year, students receive a yearbook reflecting all of the memories, students, faculty and staff, and other on and off-campus events throughout the year. But I have always wondered: What goes into making the Guidon, Marist School’s yearbook?
Yearbook is a two- or three-term class that allows 10th-12th grade students to design and produce Guidon. There are various leadership positions that allow experienced students to lead the creation of the yearbook and help guide newer students in the course. Besides student pictures and school events, there are a variety of other pages in the yearbook such as birthdays, trends, and other spreads depicting sports and clubs that happen on-campus. Another incredible aspect of the Guidon are the student quotes scattered throughout about clubs, sports, activities, and events that have happened on-campus. It allows students to voice their opinions on what is happening on-campus and share their favorite memories.
Maggie York ‘23, a yearbook staffer, is new to the elective this year. “I loved seeing how well the yearbook comes together each year and thought it would be cool to be a part of it and see all the work that goes into creating it,” York said.
First-year Guidon member Caroline Baljet ‘23 said that her favorite part of the class is “learning about a club or team that I didn’t know existed before.” By managing pages that required her to reach out to various students for pictures and quotes, Baljet “got to know many different people from every end of the school.” According to Gigi Glennon ‘23, it is “super helpful when students, families, or faculty send in photos” because “the more photos, the better the yearbook!”

Yearbook members reach out to the Marist community because they don’t just want to see what’s happening on-campus; they want to also see what Marist is doing outside of school for the friendship, birthday, and season-themed pages.
Co-Editor-in-Chief Caroline Williamson ‘21, has worked with Guidon since 10th grade as “a way to give back to the Marist community in a creative way,” she said. Williamson is particularly excited about a new page in the upcoming yearbook focusing on student, teacher, and celebrity resemblances.
According to Williamson, the hardest part of the class is “finding photos to fill our pages and making sure that we highlight every student at least 3 times in the book.” She is grateful that people have sent in so many pictures this year, especially because COVID has limited events on-campus.